
From the depths map
From the depths map

Benat - An Elite enemy wielding a spear.Skerryshiv Grunt - A bat-like creature that periodically leaps into the air, discharging a sonic attack that can knock players down.Skerryshiv Entity - A light melee creature that charges at players and performs quick claw swipes.Skerryshiv Cultist - A spellcaster that uses corrupted magic and is equipped with a dagger for close combat.Be careful of the bleed effects applied by their attacks. They are aggressive and very quick ranged units that should be prioritized when in a group. These enemies pull off thorns from their backs and throw them at players from range. Skerryshiv Impaler - The Impaler is one of the Skerryshivs that looks a lot less human and a lot more Corrupted.Skerryshiv Artisan - Similar to the miner but equipped with a mason's hammer.Save them for last if in a group as other units are usually more dangerous damage-wise. The Mercenary uses a sword and shield and is a lot tougher than other units. Skerryshiv Mercenary - The standard tank unit of the Skerryshivs.They can also attack from melee range with wild swings. They don't have any special mechanics and will not attempt to maintain distance but instead continually throw their hatchets at players. Skerryshiv Hunter - The ranged version of the Axeman, this enemy throws its hatchet from a distance and tends to aim for ranged players in your party.Possesses low HP and can easily be cleaved down with other mobs. Skerryshiv Miner - Weak melee units equipped with pickaxes.These enemies are easily staggered and interrupted. The Axeman uses melee attacks exclusively and doesn't pose much of a threat. Skerryshiv Axeman - As the name suggests, this is an enemy unit equipped with a hatchet.The enemies you face throughout the Expedition will be composed of Captain Thorpe's Corrupted Skerryshiv crew:

from the depths map

  • You will need at least 3 players each with an Azoth Staff in order to complete the Expedition.
  • 1 Depths Tuning Orb (consumed upon entry only 1 player within a group is required to have a tuning orb in order for the whole group to participate in the expedition).
  • One or more players with a ranged weapon loadout.
  • A dedicated Healer or one or more players with a Life Staff will prove invaluable in recovering from damage.
  • A dedicated Tank to manage enemy threat is recommended.
  • From this base, he terrorizes the countryside. He now styles himself the Master of the Tempest, the King of Corruption. Commander Thorpe returns! His Corrupted army has made the ancient ruins below a storm tower on the peninsula of the Restless Shores their base of operation.

    From the depths map